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Right to Land and Livelihoods

This is a presentation given by Ruchi Tripathi, Head of Right to Food, ActionAid International, on 12 Sept in Geneva, at the International Mobilisation Conference on "The Right to Land and Livelihood"


Fiddling With Soil Carbon Markets While Africa Burns...

To address both the need for more finance for ag­riculture and the climate crisis, the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), among others, are promoting selling of carbon offset


Averting the crisis by investing in women smallholders

This is a presentation given by Ruchi Tripathi, Head of RIght to Food, ActionAid International, at the 20th Anniversity  and Alumni Reunion Conference of the London School of Economics and Political


Budgets: Revenues and Financing Public Service Provision - HRBA Governance Resources

  Budgets are the starting point of this book, and it continues with different types of revenue and taxes at the local level. Tax Justice is introduced and finally the book explains decentralization


Accountability: Quality and Equity in Public Service Provision - HRBA Governance Resources

This Handbook is for local level civil society practitioners who want to make services work better for the poor. The book builds on current good practices which focus on strengthening local


Transforming education for girls in Nigeria: Baseline research summary report

This report is the culmination of much work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular the work of the national implementing partner in


Transforming Education for Girls in Tanzania: Baseline research summary report

This report is the culmination of much work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular the work of the national implementing partner in


Education Action 25

The 2011 edition of Education Action brings news of ActionAid's education projects from around the world, including: an in-depth presentation of Promoting Rights in Schools, an exciting new initiative


AAI 2010 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report

We are proud to submit our report of the highlights of ActionAid International’s work during 2010, across 43 member countries and through the International Secretariat, in the penultimate year of our


Alps 2011 – Accountability, Learning and Planning System

Alps is a framework that sets out the key accountability requirements, guidelines, and processes in ActionAid International. Not only in terms of organisational processes for planning, monitoring