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Bangladesh Floods: "It will take years to recover and flood-proof our communities"

A severe humanitarian disaster nearly 5,000 miles away in my country in South Asia has gone virtually unnoticed in the news despite over 50 people now losing their lives.


What can we expect from the new European Parliament and EU leadership?

Newly elected MEPs will begin their legislative term for 2024-2029, with the far-right gaining influence but failing to form a majority, while the former pro-EU majority remains intact despite losses

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Climate-wrecking projects: Did bank AGMs address the elephant in the room?

Have you noticed the buzz around the Annual General Meetings

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Young people are leading tide of change against fossil fuels

On September 15th and 17th, hundreds of thousands of young people took to the streets globally to call for an end to the fossil fuel era. They are advocating for investments in community-owned

Climate Justice Camp 2023: A new wave of the climate justice movement

This is the story of how a quiet Lebanese village welcomed 450 young leaders and campaigners for the second annual Climate Justice Camp.

Fighting for justice in the workplace

On the fourth anniversary of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (ILO C190), we are spotlighting ActionAid's incredible campaigning and fight for a world free from violence and harassment in

World Day Against Child Labour: How ActionAid is Fighting Back on Child Labour

In 2020, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimated that approximately 160 million children worldwide were trapped in child labour with 79 million of these performing hazardous forms of

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Fund our Future for a Just World

This World Environment Day, ActionAid organised mobilisations around the world to call for a feminist, just transition to a world free of fossil fuels and industrial agriculture. 


Why Decolonising the Financing of Education is Key to Solving the Education Crisis

This week over 10 million people will mobilise to call for the decolonisation of education financing.