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A just peace? The legacy of war for the women of Afghanistan

October 7 2011 marks 10 years since British and American forces intervened in Afghanistan, responding to the threat to global security following the attacks of September 11 2001. At the time



CAADP UPDATE, produced by the International Right to Food Team, highlights key events and issues around agricultural discourse in Africa, to update countries on ActionAid’s engagement in the CAADP


A cross-country analysis of baseline research from Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique

This report presents findings from baseline studies carried out in three districts in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique for Stop Violence Against Girls in School, a five year project (2008­2013) led by


Milking the poor - How EU subsidies hurt dairy producers in Bangladesh

Massive subsidies in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy are putting local farmers in poor countries out of business, reveals a new report by ActionAid. Milking the poor shows how subsidised EU milk


Milking the Poor - How EU subsidies hurt dairy producers in Bangladesh

For decades, European dairy farmers have been given massive subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU). This has enabled them to export cheap milk powder, among


A cross-country analysis of baseline research from Nigeria and Tanzania

This report analyses data from the Baseline Study conducted for the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project in Nigeria and Tanzania between 2007 and 2009. TEGINT is a


People's Action to End Poverty

ActionAid is changing. We are moving on from just fighting against poverty – to working for long lasting solutions to poverty. Our new strategy for 2012-2017, approved by our International Assembly in


Real Aid 3

The kind of aid that helps support dramatic decreases in aid dependence is what ActionAid calls real aid – that’s aid which empowers poor women and men to realise their rights, and reduces inequality