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Challenging Self-interest: Getting EU aid fit for the fight against poverty

This year’s AidWatch report confirms that EU member states are off-track to meet their aid quantity and aid effectiveness commitments, and are increasingly prioritising self-interested aid policies


Two Years On: Is the G8 Delivering on its L'Aquila Hunger Pledge?

In a new report by ActionAid, "Two Years On: Is the G8 Delivering on its L’Aquila Hunger Pledge?" we analyse the G8 Accountability report on their L’Aquila Food Security Pledge of US$ 22 Billion to


Education Rights - A guide for practioners and activists

This resource pack draws on learning and experience from work in education by ActionAid, our partners, and coalitions of which we are part, over the last thirty years.  We have drawn together this


Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting & Hillside Irrigation Project

The project, the "Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation Project" (LWH) is focused on creating terraces on hillsides, improving the soil on the land under cultivation on these


Building comprehensive resilience and facilitating women’s leadership

This leaflet outlines two factors critical to the success of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) efforts - the need to build comprehensive resilience and the importance of promoting and facilitating women's


Fuelling Evictions - Community Cost of EU Biofuels Boom

Over 20,000 people living in the Dakatcha Woodland, in Kenya’s coast region, are at risk of losing their homes and land for a biofuels plantation, producing fuel for the EU market. This report shows


Sustainability Criteria Review for Jatropha Biofuels from Dakatcha Woodland in Kenya

The European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive contains a set of criteria designed to encourage the promotion of biofuels from sustainable sources.To count towards renewable energy targets in the EU


Food Policy Update from Rome - Issue 5, May 2011

Food Policy Updates from Rome aims to provide an up-to-date information on the global food governance system and strategic activities of ActionAid.


Making CAADP Work for Women Farmers: A review of progress in six countries

The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) aims to revitalize African farming in order to reduce rural poverty and hunger. This is a massively important undertaking for a