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Young women: life choices and livelihoods in poor urban India

A scoping study of three cities in India, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai, was conducted to better understand young women’s experiences in urban areas and inform ActionAid India’s intention to launch an


Lay of the land - Improving land governance to stop land grabs

Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’, can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report


ActionAid/infoasaid learning review of the pilot communications project in Isiolo

As part of a wider partnership aimed at supporting integration and mainstreaming of communications with disaster affected communities in ActionAid’s emergency preparedness and response programming


Cobwebbed - International Food Price Crisis and National Food Prices

The paper provides an overview of what caused high and volatile prices in international food commodity markets, the major causes of national food price increases, the winners and losers within


Strategies for success - Access to Justice for Women

In early 2009, ActionAid and Women for Women International Nigeria embarked on a two-year, multi-country initiative entitled “Access to Justice for Women”. Funded by the UK’s Department for


From the ground up - women's role in local peacebuilding in Afghanistan, Liberia, Nepal, Pakistan and Sierra Leone

This report from ActionAid, IDS, and Womankind looks at the role of women in local peacebuilding initiatives, finding that women are more likely than men to adopt a broad definition of peace which


ActionAid International Annual Report

This snapshot of our year shows how we continued to link grassroots activism with state-level lobbying, and amplify the voices of partners and women, men and youth living in poverty to achieve legal


Evaluation of ActionAid's response to 2011 drought and food crisis in Kenya

In 2011 a drought and food crisis in the Horn of Africa affected an estimated 13 million people.  In parts of Kenya, the disaster was considered to be the worst to afflict the country in over 60 years


Disaster Risk Reduction in Pakistan - the contribution of DEC member agencies 2010-2012

When floods swept large parts of Pakistan in 2010, an estimated 20 million people were affected.  Besides the slow response, the absence of comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and preparedness