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Cultivating rural women’s economic empowerment (Asia)

Rural women remain at the margins of development, particularly regarding access to productive resources, decent work and their disproportionate burden of Unpaid Care Work.ActionAid research found that

Gender Sensitive Access to Markets

Women continue to face multiple barriers to market access, which are often seen as the domain of men: this can make it challenging for women to make a sustainable living.

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Making tax work for girls’ education

Globally, there are 264 million primary and secondary age children and youth out of school. More girls than boys currently receive no primary education and many pupils in school in developing

No Place To Go

This policy brief summarises the impact of the ASEAN's economic model on gender inequality, land rights, and the environment, and offers recommendations for ASEAN to eradicate poverty and inequality

Whose City?

Some successful and innovative ways that women’s rights, social justice and civil society organisations influence and work with governments to improve women’s urban safety.


The European External Investment Plan: True or False?

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NGO recommendations for the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan

The European financial framework should be reformed in order to align EU financial policies and legislation with environmental, social and governance factors (ESG), notably from international


Assessment Toolkit: Assessing gender-sensitive implementation and country-level monitoring of the Tenure Governance and Africa Land Policy Guidelines

Secure tenure over land, fisheries and forests is central to global efforts to end poverty and hunger in local communities (and in particular among indigenous peoples and women), and to ensure


Assessing implementation of the Voluntary Tenure Guidelines and the AU Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy: A toolkit approach

Access to and control over land and natural resources is crucial to people’s livelihoods and to ensuring secure livelihoods, their rights to food, water, work, housing and a healthy environment