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How just three Big Tech companies could address nurse shortages in 20 poor countries by paying their fair share of corporate tax

New ActionAid research looked at Facebook, Alphabet Inc (the parent company of Google) and Microsoft and exposed a potential $2.8bn ‘tax gap’ which these three tech giants alone could be liable for in


#EndSARS: ActionAid calls on Nigeria’s President to end deadly attacks on peaceful protesters

As protests in Nigeria to end police brutality continue and protesters face deadly attacks, ActionAid Nigeria's country director Ene Obe calls on the President, Muhammadu Buhari, to urgently respond

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World Teachers Day: Funding the right to quality, inclusive education

With schools across the world gradually re-opening after protracted closures due to Covid-19, the critical role of teachers in ensuring that all children are able to enjoy their fundamental right to


International Literacy Day: Covid-19’s impact on equality in education

Schools can act as a powerful equalising force in any society. But is the Covid-19 pandemic is at risk of deepening existing inequalities in education? 190 organisations join ActionAid's calls for


World Humanitarian Day: Celebrating women on the frontlines of the Covid-19 crisis

Unprecedented has become the watchword of 2020, as the world grapples with the escalating health and economic crisis of Covid-19, soaring food insecurity and the worst locust infestations in decades.


“These Senegalese women are helping those most in need, against all odds.”

Today marks exactly one month since the Senegalese lockdown lifted. Here Khardiata Ndoye Pouye who is a Women’s Rights Officer at ActionAid Senegal reflects on her experience of the pandemic and the

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems

This ActionAid opinion piece examines how agroecology may help to prevent further pandemics

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.


IMF meetings fail to agree support to protect developing countries from COVID19

The virtual Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20 finance ministers ended last week, having failed to deliver on the immediate cash injection needed to mitigate the looming

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19

This post by Ruchi Tripathi, head of resilient livelihoods and climate justice, ActionAid International, looks at the systemic failures of the international economic system in relation to food