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Latest on youth

Given Muwana stands in her farm, her crops are damaged by the drought

Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

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A young climate leader leading a Climate Strike rally at an embankment in Shyamnagar, Bangladesh

Young people are leading tide of change against fossil fuels

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Photo is an aerial view of an embroidered hand surrounded by a crowd of young activists

Climate Justice Camp 2023: A new wave of the climate justice movement

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In 2018, Tirtha formed a group named HerPad that provides training on reusable hygiene pads.

How to harness the enthusiasm of young people to build resilience to disasters

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Nima and her mother earn an income from their sewing shop in Tamale Peri, Ghana

Young people face a very uncertain future after the pandemic

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Raneem is a Palestinian young woman who volunteered in olive picking in Walageh

Young volunteers support Palestinian olive farmers after Israeli settler attacks

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Raneem is a Palestinian young woman who volunteered in olive picking in Walageh

Young volunteers support Palestinian olive farmers after Israeli settler attacks

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A young climate leader leading a Climate Strike rally at an embankment in Shyamnagar, Bangladesh

Young people are leading tide of change against fossil fuels

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Photo is an aerial view of an embroidered hand surrounded by a crowd of young activists

Climate Justice Camp 2023: A new wave of the climate justice movement

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In 2018, Tirtha formed a group named HerPad that provides training on reusable hygiene pads.

How to harness the enthusiasm of young people to build resilience to disasters

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Nima and her mother earn an income from their sewing shop in Tamale Peri, Ghana

Young people face a very uncertain future after the pandemic

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Young activists in Liberia

Young people might be more resilient to the virus, but not to its impacts

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Given Muwana stands in her farm, her crops are damaged by the drought

Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

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Hemedi and pupils in Tanzania

The bedrock of inclusion

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Young people in Sudan talking about their experience in practicing democracy and their role in the political transition at the Youth Open Dialogue

Believe in Better working paper

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Guide on how to run skillshares within humanitarian projects

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Young Nigerians at the National Day of Action demanding the passage of the #NTYTR Bill.

Champions and change-makers

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Dalia, a 18-year-old girl, standing in her family house in Gaza, where her and the rest of the family almost got killed by a fire from their candles. The electricity supply in Gaza is sporadic and often lasts between four and six hours a day.

'Shifting power to young people in humanitarian action'

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